Jul 22

THP Takeover: Chloe Ride, UK Food Stylist

When THP opened our first UK office, we knew that we had to find some serious London talent to help us bring the THP model to life. Luckily we discovered food stylist, Chloe Ride. This self-proclaimed foodie lives, works and breathes food! We feel so lucky to have Chloe join the team. Get to know more about her and follow us on Instagram to get a look at what’s happening in North America and the UK.

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Name: Chloe Ride

Position: Food Stylist in the UK office

How long have you been at THP? Almost 2 months now.

What words describe you best? Dad jokes, fun, homely, cuddly, smells like bacon and gin.

What’s the first recipe that you learned how to cook? My Irish grandmothers’ apple pie. Although I’m not sure this strictly counts, as I was never allowed to fully know the recipe. I used to get sent out at the point of pastry making, just in case I told my mum, her daughter-in-law, the secret recipe. It was the best way she could guarantee my dad would be at her table every Sunday lunchtime!

What’s your favourite food? I try not to have one favourite as I’m always trying to eat as many different things as possible. However, lately I seem to be frequenting a Swedish bun shop in Hoxton called Fabrique rather often, which I think confirms I am addicted to their sugar coated vanilla buns. The speed at which I’m able to inhale these is a sight to behold.


What are your hobbies when you aren’t at THP? All of my hobbies are food related as I’m one of those lucky people whose hobby became their job! I live and work in Hackney, which is one of the most vibrant foodie areas in London. I usually go to at least two food markets every weekend, looking out for new street food vendors. In quite a British way, I also love pubs, dog walks and pints of ale. My parents live on a farm in the countryside just outside of London, which is the perfect escape when the city gets too much.

What is at the top of your playlist right now? Jamie XX, Amy Winehouse, Sunflower Bean, Blossoms. An eclectic mix, I’m sure you’ll agree.

What drives you to make every customer a crazy raving fan? I’m just obsessed with cooking and I want to pass that on to every client we have at THP.

Follow Chloe and the whole UK team on Instagram to get a look at what is happening in our newest office!